Takem Mbi B.M. is a Senior Research Officer with the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation, Cameroon. He holds a doctorate degree in Physical Geography with specialty in Environmental Dynamics and Risks from the University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon. He also holds a Master of Philosophy degree in Conservation Leadership from the Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, a postgrad diploma in remote sensing and GIS from the African Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile- Ife, Nigeria and an Open Software Certificate in GIS from the Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. Takem Mbi has equally undertaken internships with the United Nations Environment Program-World Conservation Monitoring Centre and Fauna and Flora International, Cambridge, United Kingdom. He has taken part in a number of projects carried out by the National Institute of Cartography. Amongst these projects are: The Regional Atlas for the Far North and Littoral Regions of Cameroon; Departmental Monographs for the Mayo Kani and Mayo Danay divisions of the Far North Region of Cameroon. He is presently the Head of the Research Laboratory on Natural Risk at the Division of Research of the National Institute of Cartography. From the 2019-2020 academic year, he has been teaching on part-time basis at the Department of Geography and Planning of the University of Bamenda, Cameroon.


Takem Mbi B.M. and Roger Ngoufo (In Press). Antagonistic interaction between stakeholders in the management of natural resources: case of the Takamanda National Park and its surrounding landscape, South West Region, Cameroon.

Lebga K.A., Etame, G.N., Ghoutum, A., Kongso, E.W., Takem Mbi, B.M. and Esse Ndjeng, M. (2020). The implication of local communities in the development of Balikumbat Council, strength and weakness: the case of Balikumbat village. In Soumahoro, M (ed.). Aménagement, décentralisation et développement local en Afrique subsaharienne. Pp :91-108

Takem Mbi, B.M.  and Lebga, K.A. (2020). Protected areas in Cameroon at the mercy of the 2035 emergent project (Online first). Available online at https://www.intechopen.com/online-first/protected-areas-in-cameroon-at-the-mercy-of-the-2035-emergent-project 

Takem Mbi, B.M.  and Célestin Kaffo.  (2019). Water and economic development: analysis from the Logone River in the Mayo-Danay Far-North, Cameroon.  In Ganota, B., Baska, T. D.V. and Kossoumna, L.N. (ed.). Eau et Développement en Milieu Soudano-Sahélien D’Afrique Centrale : analyses environnementale, Sanitaire et géopolitique. Pp:331-356.

Takem Mbi, B.M. (2016). The River Logone: a mixed-blessing to the inhabitants of Mayo Danay Division, Far North Region Cameroon. Syllabus Review, Vol VII, N°1 2016. 217-242.

Takem Mbi, B.M. J.P. Nghonda and M.P. Esse Ndjeng. (2015). Discrimination foncière et crise urbaine dans la zone de        Mabanga (N’Gaoundéré, Cameroun). Le Journal des Sciences Sociales, N° 12 Vol 1 :63-72.

Takem Mbi, B.M., and Ngoufo, R. (2015).  Cross river gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli) conservation in a changing landscape of the Lebialem-Mone Forest, South West Region, Cameroon. Syllabus Review 6 (1), 2015: 85 – 102

Ndi HN., Ntani NK., Takem-Mbi BM & Feumba R (2015): Urbanisation, Wetland Retreat and Heat Island Development in Yaounde, Cameroon. Urbanisation and Global Environmental Change Viewpoints blog.  https://ugecviewpoints.wordpress.com/2015/06/16/urbanization-wetland-retreat-and-heat-island-development-in-yaounde-cameroon/

Takem Mbi, B.M. (2013). Assessing forest cover change in the Bafut-Ngemba Forest Reserve (BNFR), North West Region of Cameroon using remote sensing and GIS. International Journal of Agricultural Policy and Research Vol.1 (7): 180-187.

Takem-Mbi, B.M. and H. Ngala. N. (2013). Protected areas in Cameroon from Rio to Rio+20 (1992-2012). International Forestry Review Vol.15 (4):524-533.

Mbanga, L.A. and Takem-Mbi, B.M. (2012). A socio-economic and environmental analysis of peri-urban agricultural activities in the Yaounde-Nsimalen area. International Journal of African Studies, 19(2): 141-156.

Takem-Mbi, B.M. and Humphrey, N.N. (2011). An analysis of the creation and distribution of protected areas in Cameroon after the Rio Summit: 1992-2010. International Journal of Advanced Studies and Research in Africa Vol. 2(3): 227-242.

Mbanga, L.A. and Takem-Mbi, B.M. (2011). Peripheral agriculture by Yaoundé urban dwellers in the Nsimalen area: a socio-economic and environmental analysis. In Elong, J.G. (ed.). L’élite urbaine dans l’espace agricole africain : exemples camerounais et sénégalais. Paris: Harmattan, pp. 241-253.

Takem-Mbi, B.M. & Humphrey, N.N. (2010). Encroachment into protected areas in Cameroon. Case of the Ottotomo Forest Reserve. International Journal of Advanced Studies and Research in Africa Vol. 1 No 3, 2010. pp 187-201.

Mbanga, L. A. and Takem-Mbi, B.M. (2010). Evaluation of forest cover change in the Kilum-Ijim conservation site of the North West Region of Cameroon. KALIAO, Vol.2/ N˚4, 2010, pp 153-147.

Takem-Mbi, B.M., Kaffo, C. and Fish, L.  (2010). “Protected areas” coverage in Cameroon on the eve of the Convention on Biological Diversity 2010 target. International Forestry Review Vol.12 (3), 2010. pp 231-23.

Kana E. C., Takem-Mbi, B.M. and Kaffo C. (2010). Urban sprawl and land insecurity in the southern zone of Yaoundé, Cameroon. In Nkankeu F. & Christopher B. R. (Eds.). Multidisciplinary analysis of land conflicts and their socio-economic-political impacts in Cameroon .Vol. 43, N˚ 2 (August 2010), pp.95-109.

 Humphrey, N.N. and Takem-Mbi, B.M. (2009). The Urban Health District in Cameroon: Theory versus Application. Loyola Journal of Social Sciences, Vol, XXIII, N˚.1, Jan-Jun 2009, pp.7-26.

 Kana E. C., Kaffo C., Takem-Mbi, B.M. and Simeu Kamdem M. (2008). Stakes and challenges of agriculture in the Yaounde-Nsimalen zone. In Parrot L. (ed.), Njoya A. (ed.), Temple L. (ed.), Assogba-Komlan F. (ed.), Kahane R. (ed.), Ba Diao M. (ed.), Havard M. (ed.). Agriculture and Urban Development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Governance and the supply of Towns. Paris: Harmattan, pp. 51-61.